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..... window ..... . . . . . computer . . Me . . . . . ....................Door.....
it is cool and nice and the birds are chirping
la ultima habitación de una casa en el campo, es alargada, la cama la tengo a mi espalda cubierta de edredones y una colcha de Mongolia, sobre esta una lampara en forma de sol. Separándome de la cama un amplio espacio con un baúl de mimbre. Y finalmente la mesa donde estoy sentado junto a la ventana. Puedo ver la pantalla de mi ordenador una ventana hacia vosotras y detrás la ventana a Andalucía.
Estamos en el estudio. Tenemos una mesa blanca muy grande y justo ahora se refleja la puesta de sol. El color es el de la energía.
Estoy en un salón de una casa típica balear con las paredes encaladas en blanco y travesaños de madera blancos que atraviesan toda la estancia. En un extremo hay una ventana rodeada por dos estanterías llenas de botijos de diferentes formas y colores. En el otro extremo hay una puerta de cristal que da acceso al exterior. Tiene una mesa de comedor grande, una cómoda verde, un sofá, una butaca y una mecedora. Hay una estufa para el invierno y para el verano del suelo tiene un pozo de agua.
rectangle shaped, walls are cream color, has: 1 big L shaped desk, 1 bed, 6 shelves, 10 drawers, 1 window facing a grey building, light is weak at this time of the day
Studio in early morning light
i'm sitting/laying in my bed in my room, i can smell coffee that my roommates recently made. it is vanilla flavored and i overhear them saying it is too sweet. i have posters on my wall from prints my friends have made and that i've collected. the top tape on one of them came loose and it is bending forward, it might fall off soon.
there are two lights on in my room. one above my head to the left and one on my desk to the right. there are 3 doors and a doorway.
Estoy en una habitacion rodeada de plantas iluminadas por una tenue luz roja.
I am sitting on a white chair, in my white room, in front of my white bed. Surrounded by books and with a colorful little painting hanging on the wall.
Mi habitación es rectangular, es el salón de mi casa. Hay un sofá, un par de estanterías con libros y cassettes, una mesa pequeña, una gran planta que está muy verde ahora mismo, sprays para pintar y juguetes de cartón para mi gata.
i'm standing in a calm room, it's a bedroom, that also has a white circular table where my imac is sitting. i have a handful of favorite and useful objects nearby, including a water glass, an egg timer (thanks Mindy), and some electrical tape spools of different bright colors. the sunlight is streaming diffusely through the two windows to my left. it's not my room, but i'm thankful to be spending time here.
I am at a large wooden table. The table is on a rug like an island. The carpet is on a wooden parquet. Everything in the center of a room. Books. Floors. A little dog. Me.
it is a livingroom/diningroom/studio/office/storage/showroom
hay una buena cantidad de luz solar. He amado a alguien que está cerca de mí. Está tranquilo. Hay 3 armarios en la habitación y un baño. La energía que contiene es una que puedo asociar con el hogar.
I'm sitting in a main room of a house with a lofted ceiling. There are four wood cross beams at the top. To my left is a bank of windows that face the west. In the evenings the sun is strong until it diminishes past the tree line. To my right is a kitchen.
my room has a big window, it feels like i am in a green house. i have 4 plants, and i like to play music for them. i like to pretend i am one of them :) i need to put away my heap of clean laundry, but i am a plant.
im at my parents living room classy decoration feels so good tho
windows, wood, brown with color, light, peaceful
a white room with 3 big windows, my cat sleeping on a couch and my dog sleeping in the floor.
I am sitting in a cubicle in a big office. I guess my cube is my room. It's white metal and it has a big window overlooking a church.